Showing posts with label Interior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interior. Show all posts

Gambar Rumah MinimalisTerbaru 2015

Tangga Rumah Minimalis

Pada artikel ini kita akan memperkenalkan Anda kepada banyak contoh tangga putih dingin. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan beberapa inspirasi dan semangat, pastikan untuk melihat-lihat foto-foto ini salah satu :). Anda yakin untuk memukau banyak desain yang menarik. Mengapa tangga putih begitu populer dan disukai? Karena mereka menciptakan suasana yang sangat ramah di setiap kamar. Warna ini salah satu rekan dengan kebersihan dan kesederhanaan. Oleh karena itu, tangga putih sangat cocok untuk arsitektur minimalis. Mari meyakinkan diri bahwa tangga putih tampil cantik!

Dapur Rumah Minimalis

Hal ini diketahui semua bahwa estetika berjalan beriringan dengan fungsi. Oleh karena itu, dapur menawarkan banyak pilihan desain hari ini. Ini berfokus pada pulau dapur modern. Ada beberapa alasan untuk melakukannya. Jika seseorang memiliki pulau memasak, Anda dapat mengabdikan untuk memasak lebih banyak ruang. Selain itu, terlihat sangat bagus. Kami telah mengumpulkan 20 ide-ide besar untuk desain dapur pulau untuk Anda. Ambil napas dalam-dalam sekali Anda akan mendapatkan kagum!

Dapur ini tampak hebat. Ada dua kaca chandelier, membangkitkan perasaan yang hebat elegan dan mewah. Pulau Dapur memenuhi banyak tugas. Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai bar atau sayuran dan peralatan dapur Overhead legen.Selbstverständlich Anda bisa memasak. Siapa bilang Kepulauan Cook harus besar? Tidak perlu! Dalam beberapa kasus sebuah pulau kecil lebih cocok untuk dapur Desain. Kemudian berdiri rincian di pusat. Satu kaleng pada elemen dekoratif yang indah menekankan dan menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan hangat di dapur.

Sumber bacaan

Bedroom Interior Modern Design Ideas

If you need some ideas for the interior design of the bedroom, it's time to look beautiful ideas that suits your taste and style. The design of your bedroom can be both exciting and confusing. You need to choose the colors and patterns that mix and match perfectly. If you fail to do this, your bedroom can display a messy outcome is far from relaxation mode you want for your bedroom. Here are 10 ideas Dramatic Bedroom you can follow to create a comfortable and elegant bedroom.

Color Matters
To make more dramatic your bedroom, go for a darker shade. Some of the best colors that make a room a royal bedroom are violet, red or purple, dark blue, brown or even black. Do these colors nuances main rooms and room certainly have a dramatic flair and atmosphere.

Funds or wall designs are important
patterned wallpapers eloquently and complexity in a bedroom. If you do not like wallpaper, you can also use a brush or sponge paint to create beautiful designs on the bedroom walls. An empty wall communicates simplicity and simplicity expresses no drama. So if you want a great room, make sure that the design of the walls.

Add Ceiling Decor
Another great idea for a dramatic bedroom is the ceiling decoration. Some interior designers add swirls or patterns painted on contribute to the complexity of the room ceiling. This is to match the eloquence of the walls with pictures, but make sure the color or shade of the ceiling decoration not dominate the walls.

A comfortable bed with headboard
A big comfy bed is the way to create a spectacular atmosphere bedroom. You must have a header to match a shade that complements the design of the wall. Usually, a header composed of sturdy wood and cushions with buttons are the most spectacular feature of a bedroom.

Patterned pillows and sheets
Next to the bed comfortable, it is also a good idea to use drawings pillows and bedding. Also make sure that the designs and colors match well with the main color of the room. For example, a cover bed sheet dark pink fits very well with purple walls.

A bedside table Small furniture or
Most interior designers love to use a small table for a room with darker tones. These small pieces of furniture bedside tables will balance the weight of the entire room. If your bedroom is dark colored and there is no need to add another heavy piece of furniture. A table of dark wood are the most used furniture.

Add Mirrors for your wedding
Mirrors are also considered one of the most dramatic accessories that your bedroom can have. Choose a good style and design that fits your wall, ceilings, and bed. Mirrors are a great addition to the room and dramatic, while it is also functional.
heavy window curtains

Apart from providing drama, these heavy curtains give your room a more comfortable environment. You can even sleep during the day with these heavy curtains to cover windows for bedroom complex interior best design

A patterned carpet
If the floor of the room is not carpeted, it is a good opportunity for you to add a beautiful pattern carpet near her bed. Whether you are on the sides of the bed or at the foot of his bed, a homey atmosphere is created. It adds to the comfort and style of your bedroom.

Unusual accessories
Along with the mirrors, you can also configure a rocking chair near the window. This can add to the drama of the atmosphere, while doing other functional accessory for reading and meditation in her bedroom. You can also put a porcelain vase or figurine on your bedside table to add style.

Modern Kitchen Design and Dining Room Inspirational

Modern Kitchen design  - Discuss about home interior design is always interesting and never would have endless design development, expanding the design science, diverse, trend and people's interest towards a form of the ever-changing design makes it feel like they will never be exhausted to be discussed.

Modern Kitchen design and dining room is one such example, the development trends in the community makes it appear a little shift in the design of the kitchen and dining room, two rooms used to be always separated by bulkhead and separated into two permanent rooms, currently the kitchen and the dining room instead more often merged into one room.

The narrowness of the land settlements mainly in the large cities make a Modern Kitchen design and dining room that blends into one room is very effective for the fact the narrowness of available space, with the right design, a fusion of kitchen and dining room creates a harmony and of course a higher level of functionality from both rooms.

A blend of wall colors and tiles, as well as other furnishings in the kitchen and dining area to be one of the keys in designing the kitchen and dining room, bright colors used for the dining room into modern kitchen design which applicated tend to be accustomed to using color a bit dark to disguise stains, capable of generating a spatial design is a dynamic, Minimalist House below show some examples of kitchen design and dining room.

So some examples of Modern Kitchen design and dining room may add to your inspiration designing your dream home, you can also read other articles on the design such as the dining room and the pictures of modern homes, all of which you can find in

Interior Rumah Minimalis Mungil Sempit Menawan Hati

Interior Rumah Minimalis Mungil Sempit

Gambar Interior Rumah Minimalis Mungil Sempit

Desain interior ruangan untuk  rumah mungil memang sedikit lebih memusingkan, karena terbatasnya ruang, contohnya desain interior rumah tipe 36, banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan dan dieksplorasi agar ruangan anda memiliki bentuk dan penataan yang ideal, dan tentu saja lapang dan lega untuk semua anggota keluarga.

Salah satu pilihan untuk interior rumah minimalis tipe 36 ataupun untuk interior rumah minimalis tipe 45 adalah model interior rumah minimalis mungil seperti contoh gambar diatas, gambar diatas adalah salah satu contoh penataan interior yang sangat ideal terutama jika anda hanya memiliki ruangan yang tidak terlalu luas.

Sangat menarik bukan? Sistem penataan ruang yang sangat menyenangkan dan nyaman untuk semua penghuni rumah, anda bisa mendapatan ruangan seperti contoh diatas dan mengaplikasikannya ke rumah idaman anda, tips dan trik menata interior rumah minimalis bisa anda dapatkan di

Selain penataan interior rumah minimalis yang rapi dan menawan, anda juga harus memilih warna cat interior rumah minimalis anda dengan teliti dan seksama, sehingga rumah minimalis anda akan lebih terasa indah dan menawan, apalagi dengan model eksterior rumah minimalis yang sudah terkenal sangat bagus.

Banyak sekali model desain rumah minimalis yang bisa anda pilih dan anda pasang di rumah idaman anda, dengan demikian anda akan mendapatkan sebuah rumah minimalis yang sangat cantik dan tentu membuat anda dan rumah minimalis anda menjadi pusat perhatian di komplek rumah anda, tentu sangat menyenangkan dan membanggakan. 

Konsep Interior Rumah Minimalis Modern Yang Tidak Terlupakan

Saat ini untuk arsitek atau desainer interior rumah, desain interior rumah minimalis cukup populer. Tetapi untuk orang awam, tentu saja ada banyak yang kurang akrab dengan istilah atau konsep desain interior minimalis. Inti dari desain interior adalah rumah  simpel dan modern. Pemilik rumah dapat menikmati ukuran yang lega meskipun hanya memiliki rumah kecil, kesan lebih luas, tenang, santai dan ditata secara cerdas sehingga suasana di rumah merasa lebih akrab dan menciptakan keakraban untuk sekedar nongkrong bersama keluarga.

Beberapa hal yang sering dihadapi dalam mendesain konsep desain interior rumah minimalis adalah menciptakan item yang sesuai dengan fungsinya. Sebagai contoh kursi tersebut hanya akan berfungsi sebagai pemanis ruangan, meskipun bukan tampilan atau hiasan di rumah. Dalam  konsep desain interior agar dapat dijalankan dengan baik di rumah, pemilik rumah harus benar-benar menjaga tampilan rumah rapi, bersih dan nyaman. Jadi meskipun rumah ditata atau dikonseptualisasikan dengan desain interior minimalis, tapi tetap rumah agar sangat nyaman ditinggali dan terlihat modern harus dijaga kebersihannya.

gambar interior rumah minimalis

Beberapa karakteristik tertentu yang dapat ditemukan di dalam konsep desain interior rumah minimalis meliputi:

  • Konsep desain interior rumah minimalis akan sempurna, pas dan tidak berlebihan, maka memilih jenis aksesori kamar di rumah Anda sangat penting menyangkut bentuk dan geometrinya.
  • Hindari menggunakan penyekat ruang di rumah Anda dengan sekat permanen. Penggunaan sekat untuk memisahkan kamar hanya akan mengakibatkan penyempitan. Jika memang terpaksa menggunakan sekat, pilih sekat sementara atau aksesori. Fungsinya adalah untuk memisahkan antara kamar di rumah Anda dan tidak untuk membatasi secara permanen.
  • Jika Anda adalah orang yang menyukai aksesoris lantai seperti karpet, pilih  warna padat tapi tanpa motif. Pola seperti ini akan membuat ruang di rumah Anda tampak lebih luas dan lapang.
  • Bagi Anda yang ingin mempercantik ruangan di rumah dengan menambahkan aksesoris seperti lukisan, memilih frame dari komposisi yang sederhana tanpa ukiran atau profil. Jangan meletakkan terlalu banyak gambar karena itu akan membuat ruangan di rumah Anda terasa sempit.
  • Pilihan furnitur juga penting. Harus memilih furniture dari Jepara yang sederhana tanpa ukiran dengan warna gelap, seperti cokelat gelap untuk interior rumah Anda.
  • Untuk kamar tidur, pilih warna-warna cerah untuk dinding kamar tidur Anda. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan aksen,  aksen biasanya akan dibuat di belakang kepala tempat tidur. Sedangkan jika Anda menggunakan wallpaper, memilih model daun rotan atau bambu. Pilih model bed sederhana dan menyesuaikan ukuran dengan space ruang yang ada. Jangan menggunakan tempat tidur terlalu besar karena itu akan membuat ruang sempit.
Interior rumah minimalis dengan desain minimalis modern benar-benar perlu dilakukan dengan hati-hati. karena keterbatasan ruang, lingkungan eksisting akan membawa pengertian sempit, anda bisa membaca tips-tips lain di

Rumah Murah Minimalis Sederhana

Beragam model rumah murah saat ini semakin banyak ditemukan, baik rumah murah subsidi maupun rumah murah non subsidi, dengan harga yang terjangkau jelas rumah murah menjadi pilihan masuk akal untuk masyarakat kalangan ekonomi menengah kebawah. Harga yang ditawarkan memang cukup terjangkau dengan cara diangsur, dan besarnya angsuran sama dengan biaya kontrak, maka tidak mengherankan jika calon pemilik rumah lebih memilih dan mempertimbangkan untuk membeli rumah daripada mengontrak rumah.

Berbagai model rumah minimalis saat ini sangat menarik perhatian, dengan beragam model eksterior dan interior yang sangat memikat, rumah minimalis sederhana menjadi buruan para calon pemilik rumah. meskipun ukurannya kecil biasanya rumah tipe 36, namun dengan penataan yang tepat, rumah minimalis sederhana bisa menghasilkan sebuah rumah yang lapang dan lega.

Model desain interior rumah minimalis juga sangat menarik, dengan konsep sederhana namun terlihat elegan dan mewah, interior rumah minimalis bisa menjadi pilihan cerdas untuk anda yang hanya memiliki ukuran rumah yang mungil. Dengan kombinasi antara furnitur dan pilihan sekat rumah, anda bisa mendapatkan sebuah ruangan yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi terkesan lega. tips dan trik menata interior dan eksterior rumah minimalis bisa anda temukan di .

contoh rumah minimalis sederhana

Inspiring Modern Interior Design Ideas

Modern Interior Design

The house is a very valuable asset, it is not surprising that homeowners are trying to design the house as well as possible, in addition to increasing the comfort of the occupants, with an attractive design value of selling a house would also be increased.

Modern Interior Design Pictures

Thus some example of modern home interior design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us home design ideas and bathroom design, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Inspiring Furniture Design Ideas

Furniture Design

Home interior design can not be separated from the furniture design, both of them are complementary unity, interior design would look more beautiful with the appropriate selection of furniture. Harmony between the two items will obviously be very influential to the perfection of your interior design.

Furniture Design Pictures

Thus some example of furniture design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us kitchen remodeling ideas and modern house plans, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Cool and Inspiring Interior Decorating Ideas

Interior Decorating Ideas

Development of interior design, creating more numerous and diverse models of designs that can be applied into a house, themes such as minimalist design, modern, classic, traditional all have traction respectively, it is not uncommon if you find someone that many times redecorating her house, many choices making we can choose a lot off design,  according to our flavour and of course our budget.

Interior Decorating Ideas Picture

Thus some example of interior decorating ideas hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us room decor ideas and home interiors, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement and design at Home Design.

Inspiring Office Interior Design

Office Interior Design

Office is a place that generates productive ideas and new products, so an office space will be designed as good as possible, in order to produce a comfortable place, with comfortable rooms employee productivity will certainly increase.

Office Interior Design Pictures

Thus some example of office interior design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us home theater design and bedroom decorating ideas, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Inspiring Wooden Home Design Ideas

Wooden Home Design Ideas

Bored with modern or minimalist home design? there is no harm in to experiment with other materials to decorate your dream house. house with natural materials become the topic of this article, especially the wood material.

Wooden Home Design Pictures

Thus some example of wooden home design ideas, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us living room design and kitchen design, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Colorful Home Interior Design

Home Interior Design

home interiors is always interesting to discussed, a variety of styles and it looks that make a lot of choices, minimalist and modern home interior design is still the main choice, but classic interior model could be an alternative option, many choices of the home interior design models sometimes make us a little confused to choose the right design themes.

Home Interior Design Pictures

Thus some example of colorful home interior design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us bedroom design ideas and home decorating ideas, also a hundreds of another articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Luxury Home Plans Ideas

Luxury Home Plans

Having a luxury home would be a dream every people, but it is certainly not easy to get it, surely it took huge funds to build a luxury home, and in fact, a lot people in U.S. who having enough money to build a luxury home, like what their luxury homes? how are they built it?

Luxury Home Plans Picture

Thus some examples of luxury home plans, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us modern home decor and floor plans, also a hundreds of other articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Inspiring Room Decor Ideas

Room Decor Ideas

Having a dream house is everyone's dream, and of course all have their own dream house, but not all of them are able to realize his dream come true. your dream home must have charming designs, both interior and exterior, exterior does seem to be a outside display of the house, but the interior also not less important.

Room Decor Ideas Pictures

Thus some examples of room decorating ideas, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us home interior and hundreds of other articles  about home design at Home Design.

Inspiring Home Theater Design

Home Theater Design

Home theater today is not something new, a lot of homes that provide a special room to watch your family favorite movies, watch a movie together with all family members is a fun thing, especially if you can do it at home, of course with equivalent quality on cinema.

Home Theater Design Pictures

Thus some examples of home theater design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us bedroom decorating ideas and hundreds of other articles about home improvement at Home Design.

Modern Bedroom Design Ideas

Bedroom Design Ideas

Talking about bedroom design its always become an interesting talk, its function and inclination of privacy at this room is an increasingly open, make bedroom designs become an attention more and more by homeowners.

Bedroom Design Ideas Picture

Thus some examples of bedroom design ideas, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us home decorating ideas and hundreds of other articles  about home design at Home Design.

Living Room Design Ideas

Living Room Design

The living room is one of the most important room in a house, In this room you host and meet your guests. Having a charming living room of course become a pride, surely your guests will feel at home to admire  your house design.

Living Room Design Pictures

Thus some examples of living room design, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us kitchen design and hundreds of other articles  about home design at Home Design.

Inspiring Modern Home Decor

Modern Home Decor

Home decorating is a fun job, do not need a professional designer to design our dream home, because the house we dreamed of for sure is the result of our imagination, so why do not we decorate it ourself? we could pour all our imagination of a house and express all the creativity into home decor.

Modern Home Decor Pictures

Thus some examples of modern home decor, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can read another article such us floor plan and hundreds of other articles about home improvement at Home Design

Inspiring Floor Plan Design

Floor Plan

Planning to build a house can’t be separated from choosing a design and floor plan, to accommodate every family members need, not an easy thing to design floor room, but not a thing that can not be do by yourself, even though you can hire a designer to design your room, design your room by your self will provide more satisfaction.

Floor Plan Picture

Thus some examples of floor plan, hopefully inspire you to design a dream house, you can also read other articles like best home design picture and dozens of other articles about home design, all of them can be found in